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Curriculum vitae

Year          Career
1967 Born in Stuttgart
1987-1988 Studies in technical cybernetics, University of Stuttgart
1988-1991 Studies in law, University of Tübingen
1991-1992 Studies in law, University of Konstanz
1992 First juridical state examination
1988-1992 Scholarship awarded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
1993 Special prize awarded by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
1992-1995 Clerkship at various judicial institutions in Konstanz and Washington, D.C. (USA)
1992-1995 Teaching assistant, University of Konstanz (chair of Prof Dr Matthias Herdegen)
1995 Second juridical state examination
1995-1997 Teaching/research assistant, University of Bonn (chair of Prof Dr Matthias Herdegen)
1997 Doctorate (Dr. jur.) (Bonn)
1997-2003 Assistant Professor, University of Bonn (chair of Prof Dr Matthias Herdegen)
2003 venia legendi (for Constitutional and Administrative Law, International and European Law and Comparative Law), University of Bonn
2003-2008 Associate Professor, University of Bonn
2003-2008 Acting professor:

University of Bonn (Institute of Canon Law, 2003; Institute of Public International Law, 2004/2005 and 2006/2007)

University of Düsseldorf (Chair of German and Foreign Public Law, Public International Law and European Law 2007/2008)

University of Tübingen (Chair of Public Law and Public International Law 2008)

University of Passau (Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, European and International Economic Law 2008/2009)
2008 Calls from the University of Copenhagen (Chair of European Law), the University of Passau (Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, European and International Economic Law) and the University of Hannover (Chair of Public Law and Technology Law)
2009 Full Professor (Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Public International Law, European and International Economic Law)
2013-2015 Head of the Faculty’s International Helpdesk
2014-2015 Member of the Senate and the University Council
2014-2016 Vice-Dean
2016-2018 Dean
Since 2018 Member of the Permanent Senate Commission of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG) on Genetic Research.
2021-2023 Member of the Senate and the University Council
Since 2023 Member of the Standing Committee “Life Sciences” of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Since 2024 Member of the German Ethics Council


Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Dederer
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Dederer
Room JUR 110
Innstr. 39
Phone: +49(0)851/509-2340
Fax: +49(0)851/509-2342
Consultation hours: Tuesdays to Wednesdays all day, Thursdays to Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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