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Benedikt Karsten Curriculum Vitae and Publications

Curriculum Vitae

Since January 2023 Research Assistant at the Chair of Private Law, especially Business Law and Digitalisation (Prof. Dr. Michael Beurskens)

Since October 2022 Research Assistant at the Research Centre for Law and Digitalisation (“FREDI”)

April 2022 – December 2022 Research Assistant at the Centre for Digitalisation in Society (CEDIS) at the University of Passau

2020 – 2022 Legal Traineeship at the Oberlandesgericht (Higher Regional Court) Munich

2013 – 2020 Law studies at the University of Passau


Karsten B. /Wienroeder M., Der Entwurf des Data Act - Auswirkungen auf die Automobilindustrie, RAW 2022, 99-106

Stellvertretung und Ehe unter Einbeziehung des seit 01.01.2023 geltenden Notvertretungsrechts aus § 1358 BGB, JURA 2023, 558-568

Hennemann, Moritz and Ebner, Gordian and Karsten, Benedikt, The Data Act Proposal – Literature Review and Critical Analysis - Part I (Art. 1-13, 35), in: Hennemann, M. / Karsten, B. / Wienroeder, M. / Lienemann, G. / Ebner, G. (Eds.), The Data Act Proposal – Literature Review and Critical Analysis. University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper S, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4360961

Hennemann/Ebner/Karsten/Lienemann/Wienroeder, Data Act – An Introduction, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2024 (Open Access): https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/9783748918691/data-act?page=1

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