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Project details

Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb) course in Media Law for Students of Communication Studies

From copyright cases to liability issues and informational self-presentation: the online lecture 'Convergent Media Law' imparts valuable knowledge to students of Media and Communication, Computer Science and Governance and Public Policy. Passau's Chair of Public Law, Media Law and Information Law has developed an online lecture on convergent media law covering legal basics from the perspective of communication studies.

The course consists of the following sections:

  • Introduction History Structure and Terminology
  • Media Constitution
  • Basic Media Rights
  • Media Contents
  • Media Stakeholders
  • Media Sectors
  • Self-presentation and Informational Protection
  • Journalistic Work
  • Position and Internal Organisation of Media Providers
  • Right of Free Speech
  • Advertising
  • The Media Industry
  • Media Sales
  • Media Finance
  • Protection of Media Consumers
  • Media Supervision and Regulation
  • Media Market Supervision and Regulation
  • Liability
  • Extra-legal Regulations

Participating students receive three types of course material:

  1. Key aspects are summarised in short phrases, providing a compact overview over the subject matter.
  2. A well-structured course reader provides detailed information on the individual topics. Theoretical explanations are supported by graphics and overviews.
  3. The third type of materials offers references to further in-depth information and links to relevant laws as well as other legal texts.

This course has been developed using the ILIAS content und learning management system, which has been used by the University of Passau for the provision of vhb courses for several years.The project has received funding from the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb).

Principal Investigator(s) at the University Prof. Dr. Kai von Lewinski (Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Medien- und Informationsrecht)
Project period 01.01.2016 - 31.08.2016
Source of funding
vhb - Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern
vhb - Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern
Projektnummer 15-I-06-19Lew1
Themenfelder Rechtswissenschaften, Rechtswissenschaften
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