As from 2010 Professor for Private Law and Labor Law, University of Passau
2006 - 2010 Professor for Private Law and Labor Law, Freie Universität Berlin
2009 Visiting Scholar, Boston College (Mass., USA)
2005- 2006 Professor for German and European Private Law and Labor Law, University of Darmstadt
2004 Visiting Professor, Law School, University of Heidelberg; Visiting Professor, University of Darmstadt
2003 - 2004 Judge at the Stuttgart and Ulm Labor Court
1997 - 2002 Research Assistant / Assistant Professor, University of Erlangen
1995 - 1996 Legal Clerkship: Appellate Court of the State of Bavaria (Munic), Whitmann, Abott, Breed, Morgan, New York
1990 – 1992 Conductor / Tutor of musical studies at Staatstheater Karlsruhe and Städtische Bühnen Augsburg
As from 2010 Member of the Legal Advisory Board of Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) Mobility Logistics AG
2009 Teaching Award of the Law School Students of Freie Universität Berlin
2008 Award of the Law School Students of Freie Universität Berlin
2003 Habilitation (Postdoctorate), University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
1999 Ernst-Reuter-Preis of the Freie Universität Berlin
1999 Dr. jur. (PhD Equivalent) Freie Universität Berlin
1996 Second State Exam (Munich, State of Bavaria); Distinction for 3rd best graduating in the Second State Exam in Bavaria in class of 844 students
1994 First State Exam (J.D./Mag.jur. Equivalent), Augsburg
1992 Diploma in Music (Conducting/Piano)