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Study specialisation

Specialisation area 7: Company and corporate tax law

SPB 7 combines corporate law with a specialisation in tax law and thus offers excellent preparation for later activities in companies, commercial law firms and associations as well as ministries and courts. In order to expand knowledge in the field of company law in parallel to the courses in commercial and partnership law, the TB I of SPB 7 offers the ideal supplement. Particularly in the area of corporate law, students are given the opportunity to familiarise themselves in greater depth with the structure of an AG and GmbH. Among other things, the deviations from partnerships are clarified, the formation of the various companies and the liability of organs that have failed to fulfil their duties are examined. Conversion and group law round off the understanding of commercial law issues. In the tax law part of SPB 7, students learn about general tax law (in particular tax liability and tax procedural law as well as the constitutional foundations of taxation) and income tax law, and in particular corporate tax law. This includes the basics of corporation tax, trade tax and balance sheet tax law.

Specialisation area 8: Corporate and capital market law

Specialisation area 8 is a business law specialisation in the traditional sense. Students receive an intensive and multifaceted education in the area of corporate law and thus supplement their knowledge in parallel to the courses in commercial and partnership law. The course Corporate Law covers the most important issues relating to the AG and GmbH and provides a wide-ranging canon of specialised knowledge of practical relevance. Reorganisation and group law are an excellent addition to this. In particular, the interlinking of corporate law with knowledge of capital market law ideally rounds off the understanding in the area of commercial law. The courses "Contract Drafting in Corporate Law" and "EU Banking and Financial Law" provide students with an insight into the practice of corporate law and European legal developments in the field of banking and financial law. Overall, specialisation area 8 provides a comprehensive insight into commercial and business law. The career prospects are diverse: many nationally and internationally orientated commercial law firms are active in these areas and expect reliable expertise from their lawyers.  An understanding of commercial law is essential for working in this field. In addition, this SPB offers good preparation for later tasks in companies, relevant associations, ministries and civil courts. An understanding of commercial law is essential for working in this field. In addition, this SPB offers good preparation for later tasks in companies, relevant associations, ministries and civil courts.

Specialisation area 15: Criminal law and corporate law

The SPB combines a civil law specialisation in corporate law and capital market law with in-depth criminal law courses. It is therefore primarily aimed at students who are considering either becoming a criminal defence lawyer (commercial law firm) or taking on a preventive advisory role with a criminal law focus in a commercial enterprise. On the one hand, the criminal law courses deal with an in-depth examination of various issues of criminal procedure law from the perspective of the defence. On the other hand, the courses on commercial criminal law and medical criminal law provide an overview of the increasing risks of criminal liability in the context of economic and socially relevant activities. Finally, students gain an insight into the European and international aspects of criminal law and criminal procedure law (criminal law of the European Union; human rights in criminal proceedings; international criminal law), which enables them to successfully deal with international cases in their future professional practice. The subject of the business law courses is the teaching of specialised knowledge, embedded in a European context, without a one-sided focus on either company law or capital market law. In terms of subject matter, this offers an optimal consolidation of the compulsory programme in commercial and corporate law.

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