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Doctoral study

The Faculty of Law awards the degree of doctor of laws (doctor iuris) on the basis of a written doctoral thesis and an oral defence. This is governed by the doctoral degree regulations (as amended) of the University of Passau. Please note that the doctoral degree regulations are currently only available in German.

Admission to the doctoral examination

In order to be admitted to the doctoral examination, candidates must write an application letter to the Dean's office of the Faculty of Law and enclose the following documents:

  • proof of fulfilment of the admission requirements as per § 6 sec. 1 (1) and sections 2 and 3 of the doctoral degree regulations
  • an affidavit to the effect that the requirements of § 6 sec. 1 (3) of the doctoral degree regulations are fulfilled
  • a certificate of good conduct, if the applicant is not matriculated and does not have civil servant status

Please see § 6 of the doctoral degree regulations for the detailed admission requirements

Thesis submission

Two copies of your typed or printed thesis and one electronic copy must be submitted to the Dean's office. Together with the thesis, you should submit:

  • an affidavit in accordance with § 11 sec. line 1 no. 2 of the doctoral degree regulations
  • your curriculum vitae and information about the degree course and supervision of the thesis (if any)
  • the letter of admission to the doctoral study
  • a declaration that the admission requirements are still fulfilled

Viva voce examination

Once the thesis has been accepted, the Dean sets the time and place for the viva and appoints the examiners.

Submission of printed thesis copies

Candidates who have passed the viva voce must submit 80 printed copies of their thesis to the faculty free of charge within one year. If the thesis is sold in the book trade with a minimum volume of 150 copies, the Dean can lower the required number of copies to no less than three. This requires a letter requesting that the number of copies for submission be lowered and presentation of the contract with the publishing house.

For further information contact the Dean's office of the Faculty of Law.


Dean's Office
Room JUR 126

Phone: +49 851 509 ext. 2201, 2209 or 2202
Fax: +49 851 509 2207

Law building (Juridicum)
Innstrasse 39
94032 Passau

Graduate Centre

The Graduate Centre supports early career researchers when it comes to thesis publication and conference travel.

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DFG Research Training Group

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