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Our 19 chairs, three teaching professorships and five research institutes stand for top-rate, broad-based research. We have established innovative and interdisciplinary profile areas in our specialisations 'Business and Work', 'Finance and Taxes', 'Europe and International Dimensions of Law', 'IT, Media, Communication and Digitalisation', 'Principles of Law' and 'Proceedings and Procedure'.

Legal research, in its structure and in accordance with the principle of academic freedom, is largely characterised by the individual research effort of each individual scholar. This is true of all conventional research activities in the humanities. Essentially, individual projects account for the majority of scholarly legal research output.

Increasingly, however, individual research interests are being explored within interdisciplinary and increasingly international (consortium) projects. In recent years, the Faculty of Law has acquired significant external funds for such interdisciplinary and cross-border (consortium) projects from organisations such as the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union (EU).

Doctoral and postdoctoral (habilitation) study

By gaining the title of Doctor iuris (Dr. iur.), doctoral candidates demonstrate that they are able to carry out independent academic work in the area of law. The doctorate can be the foundation for a career in academia, but it can equally be a mark of distinction that holds advantages for those willing to go into legal practice. Those who gain the postdoctoral 'habilitation' qualification can fully embrace legal research and teaching, as the habilitation demonstrates their ability to represent their subject at the professorial level and thus qualifies them for professorial posts once they have applied for the right to lecture (venia legendi, literally 'permission to read').

Research projects

Below is a selection of current projects to give you a glimpse of some of the ongoing research at the Faculty of Law.

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Institutes and centres


Doctoral study



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