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International study options

The international focus of the University of Passau, and particularly the Faculty of Law, is one of our key strengths as well as a significant reason why our University is so attractive for students from all over Germany.

The Faculty of Law makes it possible for students to complete part of their study abroad, as well as offering a multitude of international study options right here on campus.

University of London

We are the only German higher education institution to offer its students the opportunity to gain a Certificate of Higher Education in Common Law and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of London.

More about the international programmes of the University of London

Double degree with Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, France

University of Passau students and those from Université Toulouse 1 Capitole can now study a double degree offered by both universities. Under this arrangement, students from Passau study at Université Toulouse 1 Capitole for one year, earning the degree of 'Licence en droit' and simultaneously completing the foreign law specialisation in Passau.

More about the double degree with Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

Double degree with Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain

Students with good Spanish language skills may be interested in studying our double degree programme with Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, which includes the Campus de Toledo. Students from Passau who complete their foreign law specialisation at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha can, at the same time, earn a certificate of the principles of Spanish law ('Introducción al Derecho Español').

More about the double degree with Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Joint master's degree in Business Law with Université Catholique de Lille (Paris Campus)

In cooperation with the renowned private Université Catholique de Lille, the University of Passau offers a Franco-German Master's programme taught in three languages – German, English and French – in Passau and Paris which specialises in business law and the law of digitalisation. The programme is aimed at all (former) students of German and French law faculties with experience in the law of the respective other country.

Master Business Law: Franco-German and European joint degree

Certificate of Studies in European, Comparative and International Law (CECIL)

This certificate programme, which is open to all students enrolled in the Faculty of Law, consists of English-taught courses with an international focus. CECIL can be studied by regular and international exchange students alike.

More about CECIL

English-taught courses

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LLM degree Paris

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