We are the only higher education institution in Germany to offer its students the opportunity to study for a CertHE in Common Law and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of London. The University of London conducts the examinations and award the certificates. This allows law students from Passau to earn an English university qualification in addition to the German state examination.
Students have to pass four examinations for the CertHE in Common Law: Common Law Reasoning and Institutions, Constitutional Law, Contract Law and Criminal Law. This corresponds to the first year of an English student's law programme.
In contrast to the CertHE, the LLB is a full first degree in law. Studying for the LLB as an external student takes approximately six years, if done in parallel to the German law programme.
The Faculty of Law of the University of Passau offers courses for the CertHE in Common Law. Examinations are held in Passau and marked by the University of London. Those wishing to continue studying for the LLB after obtaining the CertHE will need to do so independently, however, they may sit the LLB examinations in Passau.
You should expect to study an additional 12-18 hours per week, including 8 contact hours, in addition to time spent on your German law studies. The courses run through the semester break before Easter. The University of London examinations are regularly scheduled in the second half of May to give students ample time to prepare for the German end-of-semester examinations of the University of Passau in July.
The preparatory courses for the CertHE in Common Law are held from October to May in Passau. Following the English academic calendar, the programme can only be started in the winter semester. Courses comprise 8 contact hours during the Passau semester, rising to approximately 15 contact hours per week in the semester break around Easter. The courses are all taught in English.
Students are given all necessary learning materials (books and computer programs), as well as access to online resources to create ideal conditions for successful completion of their study of Common Law.
The subject-specific language programmes run in parallel to the law programme and conclude with an examination set by the University of Passau. Therefore, this is a supplementary qualification from the University of Passau. More information on the subject-specific language programmes
However, the LLB requires in-depth study of English Law. The LLB degree is identical to the degree awarded to University of London students at the end of their studies.
First, you must have been offered a place on the German Law programme in Passau. Following this, you may apply for the degree programme at the University of London via your lecturer. Upon passing the aptitude test, which requires good or very good English language skills, you will be offered a place on the programme by the University of London.
This programme is suitable for all those who have excellent English language skills and are interested in learning in-depth about another legal system.
Ideally, you should start in your first semester here, but no later than the third semester. Doing so will ensure that you receive your CertHE in Common Law before it is time to revise for the German state examination. If you start studying for the CertHE in the first semester, you should be able to complete it by the fourth semester and can then direct all your energy to studying the German programme, perhaps following a semester or two abroad.
The best reason to study Common Law is because it is something you want to do. However, doing so also improves your career prospects if you intend to work as an international legal professional later in your life. Moreover, studying more than one degree shows your motivation and discipline; and finally, studying Common Law will also be of benefit for your German Law studies, because knowing a different legal system makes you see your own system with different eyes.
The University of Passau charges a "Semesterbeitrag" (semester contribution fee) each semester. All information about the current fee can be found on the semester contribution page.
For the University of London the fees amount to about 2,500 euros for both years (for registration, examinations and the comprehensive study materials and textbooks, which are hard to come by in Germany). The exact amount is subject to GBP/EUR exchange rate fluctuations.