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Faculty of Law: Honoured as the most popular university repetitorium [review course]

Following the excellent rankings of the Faculty of Law at the University of Passau in the CHE ranking and the LTO ranking, it has now been recognised in the "RepGuide" of the online platform iurratio: As the most popular university repetitorium for the 1st state examination in law.

| Reading time: 2 min.

"The excellent and free exam preparation is traditionally a special flagship of our faculty. I am very proud of this result. My special thanks go to our colleagues Professor Tomas Kuhn, Professor Urs Kramer and Professor Holm Putzke, who are responsible for supervising the exam course", says Professor Thomas Riehm, Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Law and holder of the Chair of German and European Private Law, Civil Procedure and Legal Theory.

From planning the learning strategy and selecting materials to coping with exam stress and pressure to perform - the challenges during the exam period are numerous. The repetitoria at the University of Passau are exceptionally comprehensive. They include an exam course with the course units Civil Law, Public Law and Criminal Law; additional units on current case law; written and oral mock exams twice a year, a weekly exam course, individual exam analysis in the form of "one-to-one coaching" and additional exam training for those repeaters who have not passed the exam.

"What is particularly important to us in exam preparation is that it is closely based on legal text, that there are no gaps or contradictions in the reasoning, that there is an awareness of the problem, that there is an ability to argue and to recognise the need for justification – what results of this is a real understanding of the material and a massive reduction in memorisation", says Professor Tomas Kuhn, supervisor of the civil law exam course. In addition, the exam preparation programme is constantly being developed and improved in order to meet the changing demands placed on students.

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