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The Seminar in summer term 2025 - Schwerpunkt 2

The Seminar in summer term 2025, regarding the Schwerpunkt 2 will deal with “The German Basic Law in Early Discourses of its Constitutionalisation”.

| Lesedauer: 1 Min.

The Following topics are available, to be thoroughly written in English on the indicated 25 pages (Formalien zur Seminararbeit):

  1. Carlo Schmid (1896-1979) and the idea of the "provisional" character
  2. Max Reimann (1898-1977) and the longing for a socialist Germany as a whole
  3. Paul Sethe (1901-1967) and Greater German dreams of Russian sympathy
  4. Rudolf Smend (1882-1975) and his Scepticism towards the German Basic Law
  5. The Schmitt’s followers Werner Weber (1904-1976), Ernst Forsthoff (1902-1974) and Ernst Rudolf Huber (1903-1990)
  6. The beginnings of the f Maunz/Dürig-commentary
  7. The Rastatt Trial within the German Press
  8. The Rastatt Trial within the French Press

Registration: Registration takes place via the secretariat (email: ls-muessig@uni-passau.de) of Prof. Müßig from 3 Feb 2025 to 9 May 2025 on the basis of the student secretary’s grant of admission. Participants of historical cultural studies only register at the chair, as well as interested law students from other specialisation areas.

Event: A preliminary seminar meeting will take place on Tuesday 06 May 2025, 10:00 a.m. in room JUR 315, where the topics will be assigned and the formalities for the seminar paper will be clarified. The final theses must be submitted by Monday, 08 September 2025, 12.00 noon.

I am looking forward to your registration. Ulrike Müßig

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