Double degree programme with Université Toulouse 1 Capitole
The University of Passau and Université Toulouse 1 Capitole have concluded an agreement allowing students from both universities to complete a double degree.
Information for students from Passau
Students from Passau will spend one year studying at Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, and by passing their Licence en droit courses simultaneously fulfil the requirements for the Foreign Law specialisation in Passau.
How it works:
- the year abroad takes place in the third year of study (5th and 6th semesters)
- a teaching stay may be arranged as early as the second year (3rd and 4th semesters), which will usually consist of a one-week teaching visit by a lecturer from Toulouse, who will lecture on a subject area of his or her choice. The objective of this teaching stay to give students from Passau a glimpse of the French approach to the study of law to preparing them for their law studies in France. Usually this will involve teaching courses of 2-8 hours per day for a period of five days (depending on the agreement with the lecturer)
- ten students will be selected based on the allocation criteria of places abroad
Elegibility criteria
- students must have successfully completed the first two years of the law programme in Passau
- students must be enrolled in the French subject-specific language programme
- during the year abroad, students are required to earn a total of 60 ECTS credits
Please check the German website for the full information about this programme.
Information for students from Toulouse
Students from Toulouse will spend one year studying at the University of Passau, and by duly completing their courses receive the Certificate of Studies in Principles of German Law from Passau in addition to their Licence en droit from Toulouse.
How it works:
- the year abroad takes place in the third year of study (5th and 6th semester)
- a teaching stay may be arranged as early as the second year (3rd and 4th semesters), whereby a lecturer from the University of Passau visits the University of Toulouse for a week to give lectures on a subject area of his or her choice and thereby give students from Toulouse a chance to acquaint themselves with the German approach to the study of law. Usually this will involve teaching courses of 2-8 hours in duration for a period of five days (depending on the agreement with the lecturer)
- ten students will be selected based on the allocation criteria of places abroad
Please check the German website for the full information about this programme.