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Ausgestaltung des Schwerpunktbereichs und Prüfungen

Rule and Legal Reasoning in the Western World explores law both as a constituent and a characteristic feature of Western European Culture. Due to its interrelatedness to constitutional history (rule) and legal practice (reasoning) the genesis of the Western idea of law is specific and needs explanation as distinct from systems of conflict regulation in other parts of the world:

  • though related to moral norms, religious beliefs, and political evaluations in many complex ways, it is at the same time quite distinct from morality, religion, and politics;
  • administered by professional experts trained at universities, law is subject to methodological reflection;
  • European legal science, therefore, is based on the ‘belief’ that legal material can be learned and taught (and therefore administered and drafted) as a rational and organized system laid down in writing, aiming to present legal solutions as logically consistent.
Course SWS
Constitutional Discourse 2 SWS
Judiciary as Constituted Power 2 SWS
Comparative Constitutional Law post-1945' 2 SWS
Common and Civil Law Methodology 2 SWS
English and American Common Law 2 SWS
Modern Law and Political Theory 2 SWS
Seminar 2 SWS

Hinweis: Die Unterrichts- und Prüfungssprache ist Englisch.

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